"The British Board of Film Classification is an independent, non-government body which has classified cinema films since it was set up in 1912 and videos/DVD's since the Video Recordings Act was passed in 1984." - http://www.bbfc.co.uk/about-bbfc
To ensure that children are protected from inappropriate content within films and to give information regarding the content of a film, the BBFC examines the film and gives it an rating as to which age range is appropriate to view a particular type of film. This is to ensure the highest possible rate of protection to film viewers.
In the opening of our Thriller, we are aiming to reach the target audience of 15 year olds+ , therefore no-one under the age of 15 is allowed to view the film as its content may be inappropriate.
Any of the following are what you may view in a 15 rated film:
- strong violence
- frequent strong language (e.g. 'f***').
- portrayals of sexual activity
- strong verbal references to sex
- sexual nudity
- brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence
- discriminatory language or behaviour
- drug taking
In our Thriller opening, there will be a scene of death and the hypodermic syringe model would argue that if younger people watch it will develop the idea that murder is normal and it puts ideas into their head. Also, the cultivation theory would argue that over time, the idea of murder is a norm and it becomes socially acceptable.
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