Friday, 28 November 2014

Editing - Kuleshov Effect

Kuleshov experimented with different pieces of footage which he cut up to see how it would achieve a different reaction from the audience depending on how the footage was edited and the sequence it was put in. It was used to see how the audience would react to the reaction of the male in the film that was shown to them and if the audience believed that the males expression had changed each time he was shown something different, when in a matter of fact, the same footage of the males expression was shown each time. This shows how powerful this technique is to influence the minds of the audience.
Political film makers used this technique for Propaganda purposes, to give a powerful influence on the public so it puts them at a higher advantage in the general election.

This can be an important aspect to be included in our Thriller Opening as we know how to use a cut away properly to cause an effect on the audience.

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